The Chronicles of Life and Death
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.10
| Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 5:43 p.m.
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The Chronicles of Life and Death
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you come in cold
you're co vered in blood
they're all so hap py you've ar rived
the doc tor cuts your cord
hands you to your mom
she sets you free in to this life
and where do you go
with no des ti na tion, no map to guide you
wouldn't you know
that it do esn't mat ter
we all end up the same
these are the chro nic les of life and death and eve ry thing bet ween
these are the sto ries of our lives as fic ti nal as they may seem
you come in this world
and you go out just the same
to day could be the best day of your life
and mo ney talks
in this world
that's what i di ots will say
but you'll find out
that this world
is just an i di ots pa rade
'fore you go
you've got some ques tions
and you want ans wers
but now your old, cold co vered in blood
right back to where you star ted from
these are the chro nic les of life and death and eve ry thing bet ween
these are the sto ries of our lives as fic ti nal as they may seem
you come in this world
and you go out just the same
to day could be the best day of your life
but these are the chro nic les of life and death and eve ry thing bet ween
these are the sto ries of our lives
as fic tio nal as they may seem
you come in this world, and you go out just the same
to day could be the best day of to day could be the worst day of
to day could be the last day of your life
its your life
your life